LetsSingIt the internet lyrics database
Chapter index:
You can manage the music content on LSI yourself. Under the "Contribute" button on the top right of artist pages, you'll find tools that allow you to edit their content. There are two ways to edit the LSI music content, as moderator or as guest.

Edit as moderator

Moderators are in control of artists. They can access the content the artists they moderate directly. More about moderators here.

Edit as guest

If you're not a moderator, you can submit and correct content as guest. This means that content will not be added directly to the archives. It is either sent to a moderator for the artist, or, if the artist has no moderator, placed in to the public review system. Once the content has been reviewed and approved, it will be added to the archives.
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Last update of this section: 24-09-2018 11:27.