LetsSingIt the internet lyrics database
On LSI, you can upload and share your pictures with others. Others can leave a comment on your picture. Check the pictures page for all member pictures.

Adding pictures

To add a picture, go to your profile page, and you'll see a yellow button on the top right that says "Personalize". After you click this button, click the rightmost button, the "Add picture" button, and this will take you to the picture upload page. Once here, click the "+picture" button, select an image, and then press the "start upload" button. The picture will be previewed so you can ensure that it looks okay, and you'll also have a chance to add a caption here if you'd like. When everything is set, press the "save" button and the picture will be uploaded.

The maximum size of an picture is 250K. Pictures may not contain racism, nudity, violent, offensive or copyrighted material. If you violate these rules, your account will be deleted.

Editing pictures

To edit a picture, go to the page of the picture you would like to edit and click the "edit" button. This will take you to the editing page.

Removing pictures

To remove a picture, go to the page of the picture you would like to remove and click the "remove" button. This will bring up a confirmation saying "Do you want to remove this picture?". Click "remove" again, and it will be deleted.
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Last update of this section: 05-07-2015 23:00.