LetsSingIt the internet lyrics database
New songs

With new song submissions, always check that they're not already in the archive, as some people will add the song again rather than correcting the song that's already there. Check that the song is by that artist, and that the title of the song is correct. Only the name of the song should be in the title bar, not the artist name too. Make sure the lyrics are spelled correctly, have good punctuation, and are formatted nicely. You don't need to be too picky, though - new lyrics that aren't 100% correct with spelling and formatting are better than no lyrics at all, as they can be corrected. But nonetheless, we want to keep the archive tidy, so use your best judgment.
If a song has been requested, it will go through the new songs section with the message "lyrics not yet available (requested)". You should vote "yes" for these.

Corrected songs

When reviewing corrected songs, you will see two versions of the song, the "before" and "after". The first will have lines of the song highlighted in red, indicating bits that have been corrected. The second will then have that same line highlighted in yellow, so you can see exactly what they have changed. Normally correct lyrics are put in for spelling mistakes, or to correct layout. Helpful people will leave a comment also to say what they have changed. If, on a corrected lyric page, neither of the versions have any lines highlighted in red or yellow, this means someone has clicked the correct lyrics link, not changed anything, but submitted it anyway. In this case, it is advised to click "no, the lyrics are incomplete", so nothing gets changed.
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Last update of this section: 10-08-2015 22:07.