LetsSingIt the internet lyrics database
Chapter index:
LetsSingIt works with moderators for artists. Moderators can access the content for the artists they moderate directly, meaning that anything they submit is changed instantly without having to go through the Public Review. The job of artist moderators is to make sure all songs and albums are added to the archives of artists they moderate, as well as upload pictures, fill in the biography section, and review any new and corrected items that people send to them.

Although a moderator is the only one in control of the artist, the LSI team also has privileges to add, remove, and submit content for that artist. Read more about help from the LSI team here.

How to become a moderator

To sign up as moderator for an artist, click the "Contribute" button on the top right of that artist's page. You will then see a "Moderator" section. If it has a username listed there, then unfortunately, that artist is already taken. If it says "The artist has no moderator", then you can click the "sign up" button. A dialog box will appear asking confirmation that you want to moderate this artist - click the "yes" button and you will become their moderator.


Under the "Contribute" button on the pages of artists you moderate, you'll see moderator tools. These tools allow you to add, edit or delete content. Help on the available tools can be found here.


Content that other people submit for the artists you moderate will be put in your review queue. The moderator review page shows you which of your artists have items waiting to be reviewed.


To be able to sign up as moderator, you must be a member of LetsSingIt for at least 4 months and not have a ban-meter above 5%. If you do not sign in to your account for more than 4 weeks, any artists you moderate are automatically taken off your account so someone else can moderate them. When you do not review items in the review queue within 4 weeks, it will be transferred to the public-review system.

Unmodded list

Would you like to moderate an artist, but your favorite artists are already taken? Take a look at the list of unmodded artists.
Didn't find the answer to your question? Ask it in the support forum.
Last update of this section: 10-08-2015 23:17.