LetsSingIt az internetes dalszövegek adatbázisa
LetsSingIt has been online since 1997, the early days of the internet. During all those years we collected interesting material to start our own museum. In the LetsSingIt Museum you'll find material that has no place on the site (anymore) but is still worth keeping.

LetsSingIt Design

Interested in how LetsSingIt looked during previous years? Find out here. Which ones do you still remember?


LetsSingIt Poll

From March 21st, 2003 until June 30th, 2013, LetsSingIt ran a Daily Poll on which every visitor of LetsSingIt could vote. The poll was not necessarily about music, it was about any subject you could think of, just for fun. After 10 years and 3755 polls, this feature retired. Check out all the polls here.


LetsSingIt Postcard

Members of LetsSingIt started the initiative to send each other a (real) postcard. The postcard travels around the world and each person writes something on the card. Curious about the cards and what people wrote in them? Find them here.
